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Welcome new members, Michael & Gwendolyn MacIntosh to the Forward Church family!
If you are interested in membership, or have any questions, click on the link below to fill out our online Connect Card or stop by the Welcome Desk on Sunday morning to fill out a card and someone will be happy to contact you.

Connect Here

Local Uptown New Albany businesses will be hosting a “Back In School Event” to benefit the community. This event will be Saturday, August 10th, held in Forward Church parking lot, from 11am-1pm. There will be several booths set up with free donations such as haircuts, health screenings, and food.

Forward Church family, you can get involved by setting up booths. So if you have an idea for a booth, this could include game booths, food booths, or other free services that would benefit the community, reach out to Pastor Neil. You can also contact him at


The Breakaway meal is this Sunday, July 7th at 6pm. Thank you to all who signed up to help. If you would like to help serve a meal next month, please sign up at the Welcome Desk. For any questions, email Tonia Hatfield at

We have LOTS of great stuff planned for this year’s retreat. Extended time together, like on these retreats, truly bond us together as a church family and so we hope you will make plans to join us for this gathering.

Fall Women’s Retreat, November 7th-9th, Abe Martin Lodge in Brown County. SPACE IS LIMITED, so stop by the Welcome Desk this weekend and pick a room. 4 person rooms are $175 and 2 person rooms are $255. This price includes 4 meals. For any questions, please reach out to Lisa Sutherland at Click on the link below to get registered for $50.

Registration Link

What: Ladies Bible Study – God of Deliverance: A Study of Exodus 1-18 by Jen Wilkin
When: Every other Monday evening, 6-8pm, beginning August 5th
Where: In the home of Tonia Hatfield
Contact: Tonia at
What: 15 week Perspectives Class. Through this course, there are options for receiving a certificate or college credit. Click on the links below for all the details and to get registered.
When: August 15 – December 5, Thursday nights from 6pm-9pm.
Where: Southeast Christian Church Indiana Campus
Contact: Dave Hollander at
Course Overview
Registration Link
What: Men’s Bible Study – video study on Emotional Maturity by Randy Garris
When: Every Tuesday night from 6:30pm to 7:45pm beginning Tuesday, Sept.10th.
Where: Forward Church
Contact: Vince Garmon at

Propel Ministry – Middle & High School

The Propel ministry is breaking from gathering at the church on Wednesday evenings for a few weeks. Check out the following events above. Next event – canoeing, Friday, July 12th
Contact: Pastor Blake Belles,

Merge Ministry – Ages 18-29 years old

Meeting every other Monday evening at the church. Next meeting, Monday, July 15th, 6:30-9PM.
Contact: Tanya at with any questions or stop by the Welcome Desk on Sunday for all the information.

Sunday School Class – Open to all

Sunday mornings from 9-10am in the classroom behind the Worship Center. Currently working through Psalms and Proverbs.
Contact: Dave Hollander at

Men’s Bible Study – All men welcome

Meeting every Tuesday morning from 7-8am at Coffee Crossing in downtown New Albany.
Contact: Brent Kulwicki at


If you are interested in becoming a member of Forward, contact Pastor Neil at!

Live Stream

Join us online from anywhere every Sunday at 10:30am! You can stream our services here on our website! Just click “Watch Live” at the top of any page!

View Past Sermons

Chest Of Joash

The Chest of Joash provides an opportunity to give above and beyond the normal tithe. The money from it goes directly to work needed done on our building.

In 2 Chronicles 24 we find Joash repairing the temple and a chest was set outside of it for people to bring a tithe that was used to pay the workers restoring the temple. Verse 10 says, “And all the princes and all the people rejoiced and brought their tax and dropped it into the chest until they had finished.”

A huge THANK YOU to all of you who have joyfully donated just as the Israelite officials and people did!

You can give to the Chest of Joash by clicking the button below and selecting “Chest of Joash” in the drop down menu.

Chest of Joash Giving

Volunteer Opportunities

1 Peter 4:10, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace:”

We’re encouraging and challenging everyone to take the step to get connected in serving on a team with us at Forward! We have many opportunities to serve:

  • forKids (Nursery, Toddlers/Twos, The Clubhouse/Pre-K, God City/K-1st, The Dig/2nd-5th)
  • Propel Middle (meets Sunday mornings) and Propel High (meets Wednesday evenings)
  • Greeters and Ushers
  • Starting Point Guides
  • Security Team
  • Tech Team
  • Outreach Team
  • Prayer Team

For any area you may be interested in or want more information on, click the “Serve With Us!” button below and we’ll get you started!

Serve With Us!