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Show Mom Some Love This Mother's Day

With Forward’s virtual family photo-op!

We’ve created a Facebook Mother’s Day frame for you to take pictures with your mother’s and post them as your Facebook profile picture. We would also love for you share to them with us @forwardchurchin!

To add the Facebook Mother’s Day frame to your profile picture click on the button below or follow these steps.

  • Click on your profile picture
  • Click on Add Frame
  • Search for: “fcmoms”
  • Select the Forward Mother’s Day frame
  • Adjust your pic accordingly and click save!
Facebook Mother's Day Frame

Service Opportunity

Forward Church has partnered with Nomad Church Collective to reach out to the margins of our society and serve those in need.

Many of you have been asking how we can help those in need, and we have a very tangible way to help now.

Nomad is currently seeking donations of “Go Bags” to distribute.

If you are interested in contributing, please fill gallon ziplock bags with the following items and call or text Preston at (270) 993-1172 or Matt at (502) 594-7815 for further details.


  • 2 tuna pouches
  • 2 cans of Vienna Sausages and/or beanie weenies
  • 2 soft protein/granola Bars
  • 2 packs of peanut butter crackers
  • 2 sticks of beef jerky
  • Small hand sanitizer
  • Wet wipes
  • One pair of socks
Nomad Church Collective

Women's Bible Study on Zoom

Rightnow Media’s, The Book of 1 Peter by Kyle Idleman

This will be a 7 week study on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm led by Tanya Crouse.

Bible Study Signup

Men's Bible Study On Zoom!

A study through the Minor Prophets
This will be an 8 week study on Saturday mornings at 8:00 am, led by Jake Johanningsmeier.

Bible Study Signup

We Want To Honor Our High School Seniors!

If you are a senior or if you have a senior graduating in your family, please contact Blake Belles.

Contact Blake


Mrs. Shawn has lesson “Go-bags” for our Preschool-grade 5 kiddos! If you signed up to receive one there’s still one more day to pick them up! Tomorrow, Friday May 8th from 10am-noon!

If you’re picking up, drive up to our front entrance, stay in your car, and we will hand deliver your items.

ALSO – Don’t forget to be checking our forKids page for weekly lessons!

Contact Shawn forKids

Live Stream

Join us here online from anywhere every Sunday at 10:30am! You can stream our services here on our website, Facebook, or Youtube.

Facebook Youtube View Past Sermons

We're Here For You

If you need any kind of help, especially with grocery shopping, please contact Brittany and one of our Elders or Staff will make sure you get what you need!

If you or someone you know needs prayer, please reach out to Brittany, your Homegroup leader or any staff or elder.

Contact Forward

Week of May 3, 2020

  • Weekly Need- $7,480
  • Last Weeks Giving- $5,952
  • Year to Date Need- $134,640
  • Year to Date Giving- $125,763
  • Yearly Budget- $388,960
  • Shortfall- $8,877
Why We Give How to Give

Chest Of Joash

A Huge Thank You To All Of You Who Have Faithfully Donated!
You can give to the Chest of Joash by clicking the button below and selecting “Chest of Joash” in the drop down menu.

Chest of Joash Giving