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A big thank you to all who came out last Saturday to help in packing 30,000 meals for Mission of Hope!! Through your efforts Mission of Hope will use these meals to feed hungry children in Haiti. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus.

Starting Sunday March 9th, the Sunday School class will begin a 6-week study in the book of Jude with a teaching entitled “The Great Pretenders”.  These short 25 verses of Jude are filled with warnings about false teachers— their characteristics, traits, activities and deceptive methods of influence. Jesus warns us in John 7:15, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inward are ferocious wolves.”
Class meets at 9am behind the sanctuary. If you have any questions please contact Dave Hollander at

Do you love art and/or have an interest in photography? We are excited to announce that we are offering a basic photography class here at Forward, with the focus being on church photography. The key takeaway for this class is that “Our art is the perfect opportunity to reflect God’s light in our lives for others to see and to share his Glory”.

This class will be Wednesday evenings, April 2nd-May 7th, from 6-7pm at the church. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, click on the link below to find out all the details and to get registered.

Photography Details & Registration Link

Parents, we have an egg-citing opportunity for you that will take the work out of hiding Easter eggs in your yard! Bless your kids and our Belize Mission trip participants at the same time by hiring the team to hide Easter eggs in your yard for your children to find on Saturday morning. The team will deliver and hide the eggs in your yard on the Fridays of April 4th, 11th or 18th.

You may purchase eggs:  $25 for 25 eggs, $50 for 50 eggs, $75 for 75 eggs or $100 for 100 eggs. The eggs will have a mix of candy and small toys. When signing up, please indicate number of eggs, address and date to be delivered.

Forward Church family, you can also help us out by donating plastic eggs, candy and little trinkets to fill the eggs. We will collect these items at church.

To sign up click on the link below. There is a link on the form for credit card payment. If you prefer to pay by cash or check, you may fill out a tithe envelope with your information and drop into one of our giving boxes. Please make sure to clearly mark that you are donating for the Egg My Yard event.

Egg My Yard Signup

Women of Forward, our first day camp is happening in one week on Saturday, March 1st, from 9am-3pm. We need everyone signed up by THIS weekend so we know how many boxed lunches to provide. We don’t want to miss anyone!

As a reminder this will be a day of learning from various speakers about meal prepping, calendar organization, and the benefits and uses for essential oils. So get signed up and join us for this fun day!

You can sign up for this event out at the Welcome Center. We will also have t-shirts available for purchase the day of the event. Contact: Lisa Sutherland at with any questions.

Each month we are honored to serve the ladies at the Breakaway House, which is located just down the road from Forward Church. Volunteers from our church provide a meal and visit for a couple of hours with the ladies that live there. Women of Forward, helping with Breakaway meals is a great way you can get involved in the community. Typically we need 4-5 women to serve.

Our next serve days are:
March 9th, April 6th and May 4th

If you are able to help, please stop by the Welcome Desk and sign up. For any questions, email Tonia Hatfield at

Our next Belize Mission trip fundraiser will combine a silent auction, bake sale and craft fair. Come by the church on Saturday, March 15th from 10am-1pm to do some shopping, eat some goodies, and bid on some wonderful items. This is a great way to help give support to those going on the trip.

If you are able to help us out by providing goods, we are accepting gift baskets, gift cards and baked goods OR if you have goods to sell and would like to be a vendor at this event, please stop by the Welcome desk this weekend and let us know. Booth rentals will need to be reserved and paid for by March 1st.
For any questions, contact Alex at

The trip is June 21-27th. Reach out to Alex McManus at with any questions.

Upcoming fundraisers:
March 15th – Spring Craft Fair, Bake Sale & Silent Auction
Egg My Yard – April 4th, 11th, or 18th
May 3rd & May 10th – “Hire a Missionary” to help with spring cleaning and to-do lists

Open to all and meets Sunday mornings from 9-10am in the classroom behind the Worship Center. Contact Dave Hollander at with any questions.

Our group meets here at the church each Tuesday evening at 6:30pm. Forward’s Tuesday evening men’s group is a place where guys can study God’s Word and build friendships with other Godly men! Bring your Matthew study guide with you as we unpack and discuss our weekend scripture text and message – and lessons we can apply in real life!

All men are welcome to join! Every Tuesday morning from 7-8am at Panera Bread on State Street. For any questions, reach out to Brent Kulwicki at

The Propel Middle & High School Ministry meets at the church every Wednesday evening from 7-8:30pm. Reach out to Pastor Blake at with any questions.

Merge Ministry – Ages 18-29 years old, single or married

Meeting every other Monday evening. Next gathering, Monday, February 24th, from 6:30-8:30PM at the church. Dinner begins at 6:30pm. Lesson begins at 7pm.

Contact: Tanya at with any questions or stop by the Welcome Desk on Sunday for all the information.  Sunday for all the information.


If you are interested in becoming a member of Forward, contact Pastor Neil at!

Live Stream

Join us online from anywhere every Sunday at 10:30am! You can stream our services here on our website! Just click “Watch Live” at the top of any page!

View Past Sermons

Chest Of Joash

The Chest of Joash provides an opportunity to give above and beyond the normal tithe. The money from it goes directly to work needed done on our building.

In 2 Chronicles 24 we find Joash repairing the temple and a chest was set outside of it for people to bring a tithe that was used to pay the workers restoring the temple. Verse 10 says, “And all the princes and all the people rejoiced and brought their tax and dropped it into the chest until they had finished.”

A huge THANK YOU to all of you who have joyfully donated just as the Israelite officials and people did!

You can give to the Chest of Joash by clicking the button below and selecting “Chest of Joash” in the drop down menu.

Chest of Joash Giving

Volunteer Opportunities

1 Peter 4:10, “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace:”

We’re encouraging and challenging everyone to take the step to get connected in serving on a team with us at Forward! We have many opportunities to serve:

  • forKids (Nursery, Toddlers/Twos, The Clubhouse/Pre-K, God City/K-1st, The Dig/2nd-5th)
  • Propel Middle (meets Sunday mornings) and Propel High (meets Wednesday evenings)
  • Greeters and Ushers
  • Starting Point Guides
  • Security Team
  • Tech Team
  • Outreach Team
  • Prayer Team

For any area you may be interested in or want more information on, click the “Serve With Us!” button below and we’ll get you started!

Serve With Us!